DIY Motorized WiFi Blinds
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The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers ( UIDs ) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. A thing in the
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Post Views: 341
A cybersecurity professional today demonstrated a long-known unpatched weakness in Microsoft’s Azure cloud service by exploiting it to take control over Windows Live Tiles, one of the key features Microsoft built into Windows 8 operating system. Introduced in Windows 8, the Live tiles feature was designed
Just like the 600 million Facebook passwords the company mentioned last month.
To retrieve data using a DataReader, create an instance of the Command object, and then create a DataReader by calling Command.ExecuteReader to retrieve rows from a data source. The DataReader provides an unbuffered stream of data that allows procedural logic to efficiently process results from a data source sequentially. The DataReader is a good choice when
In this article, you will learn how to access documents from a SharePoint Document Library using Azure AD application credentials and Postman. Download Free .NET & JAVA Files API Microsoft Graph is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service
I retired my Thinkpad a while ago for a newer and a faster laptop. Even though I would not want to go back to my previous computer but I do miss one feature on my ThinkPad – the fingerprint sensor. It was a small feature that